Autumn Gold, October, oil/panel, 18"x36"
What attracted me to this scene was the spectacular play of light -- both in the sky and in the field. A certain amount of manipulation was necessary to strike this composition. For instance, the strip of light I extended all the way from the left to the golden maple. The light that is shining on the roof of the small outbuilding was created to accentuate the focal point. Also, I eliminated several silos and trees to simplify and heighten the effect.

Here is a detail of the focal point. In this area, I placed the strongest light and the darkest dark. The sharpest edge, the roof, and the most chromatic color, the tree. All guarantee where I want the viewer to look.

If you look at the roof, the play of warm and cool in close values ensures that the color in the roof lies as one shape. The edges are relatively sharp, but not the sharpest edges that could be made. I had to remember that they were in the distance and needed atmospheric softening, hence relatively sharp.

A detail of the field in shadow reveals a variety of rich colors with limited value change keeping variety and interest in an otherwise flat space. You can put any color you want in any given area, as long as the values are the same, the shape will hold together.